Creative Collaborations
1. Contact
We determine the type of model best suited for your needs, taking into account scale, amount of bricks, space for model, and other necessary requirements for your model to function. Photos and inspirations are great at this stage.

2. Budget & Timeline
A delivery and build time is scheduled and a budget is determined to fit your requirements, including cost of needed materials and labor for completed project in place.
Discussion about priorities for project happens here.

3. Building model
Procuring the brick pieces and layout of plans for your model happen here. Once layout is placed, pieces begin base and build up and components, sections, and subparts come together to take shape.

4. Delivery/Completion
Finishing the whole model may take place on-site or in studio with completion taking place when all components of model are brought together. Completed models are usually displayed with special foundations for stability and sometimes for movement.